Sunday, March 30, 2008

It Works!

Mom--I got it to work. So you're up and going again. Call me and I'll walk you through it!

Love, C

Friday, March 21, 2008

A very Warm Friday

It has been several days since I have written anything on my blog. It is very warm today 85 degrees. Have stayed inside for most of the day and have been making orange juice with the oranges Bob and Gwen brought us on Sunday. Gwen suggested that I put the juice in ice cube trays and freeze it and use in juices during the summer. What a great idea. The juice is so sweet and refreshing.

Went out and did some watering and pulled some weeds here and there in the backyard. So much to do out there. Need to find am easier way to take care of things. But it so nice to see all the blossoms and new green leaves budding on all the plants.

Have my big Easter Bunny sitting in my flower pot with pink and white flowers by the front door and my Bunny Trail sign in the flower pot by the front pillar, yellow and blue Hydrangeas flower pots along the walkway. Very Eastery!

I received a call today from my good friend Norma Carpenter as she moved to Denton, Texas in January and when she went to church she met some of the Missionaries that Tim was over when he was Zone Leader. They told her that they really like Tim and was surprised that she knew his grandmother.

Got the pictures made for Roberta and mailed them off to her today. She should get them either Monday or Tuesday of next week.
Daddy had fun trying to make copies but he was on a time limit as he had HP assignments to take care of and he thought he didn't do a real great job. But he did his best.


Saturday, March 15, 2008

Today's News

Here it is Saturday already, and so much to do before Sunday. Did not get back to blogging yesterday as I had to take care of a sick family in our Ward. Lisa made a tortilla chicken casserole and I made the beans, spanish rice, and brownies for dessert. Ward and I took the dinner over to the Lee family as Lisa did not know where they lived, they are such a sweet family.

Went through all my negatives and found the ones of grama and grampa Ward, Their 50th Wedding Anniverary picture, the music store picture and some other pictures that Roberta will love to have of her Dad. We will take them to Costco to have them developed on Monday.

Ward did the laundry while I went grocery shopping. Boy are groceries ever getting expensive! I think I will start shopping at FOOD for LESS or at the DOLLAR STORE, and start grinding wheat to make bread like I used to do in Torrance. Also the price of gas is absolutely out of control. Guess these are some of the signs that are to come in the last days where everything is out of control not only prices but style of dress, immorality, wickedness of men, the weather changes etc.

Went to Costco to get my Thai Mangosteen, a good cancer fighting drink. It has been a great help for me. Then went to Lisa's for dinner as she was having the Missionaries for dinner and Craig was not going to be home at that time and she could not have the Missionaries there unless someone else was with her in her home as those are Missionary rules. The dinner was excellent as always. She had roasted potatoes with rosemary and garlic, barbequed pork tenderloin and chicken, tossed green salad and cherry pie for dessert. The weather has been just beautiful today but we are supposed to get rain tonight and tomorrow but there are no clouds and no sign of rain as yet. Aunti Tia called this morning about 8:30 and said the weather in Wrightwood was just as beautiful and then she called me about 1:30 in the afternoon and said , you won't believe this, it is snowing and very very cold. So you just never know how fast the weather can change.

Lisa picked up Kristin at the airport last night as she had been in Ohio for the Company she works for "Discover Card" and then Clint came and picked her up at Lisa's house. Good cousins.

Part one of my childhood in Germany. It started in March of 1939, that is when Germany was starting World War ll. My father "Kurt" his Uncle in Germany wrote him a letter asking him to come to Germany and take over his meat business. My father was not real sure if he wanted to go, so he talked it over with my mother "Minnie" and they decided that my mother should go with us 3 children, my brother Rodney age 5, my sister Rita age 9 months, and myself Sigrid age 2 1/2 to see if that is what she wanted to do. To live in Germany and if she did, and could find a place for them to live they would go back. My mother was only 27 years old at the time. So we sailed to Germany on not a very large ship. I believe we arrived in Denmark first I'm not quite sure. When we arrived in Koenigsburg, East Prussia, Germany which is now, owned by Russia. We went to stay with my father parents, Mina and Emil Abramowski in their apartment. We were their for a couple of weeks when my grandmother told my mother that she had to take us children and herself to her own village and her people as she did not have enough ration stamps to feed us. So my mother got passage on the train for the 4 of us to Selbognen, which is in the country and was also in East Prussia, Germany which now, is owned now by Poland. We were their for sometime when my mother received a telegram from my grandmother Mina telling her that she had to come back to Koenigsburg and be there by 2:00 PM on Tuesday as the police and the Nazi's wanted to question her about being in Germany. They thought that my mother was a spy and that us children were not her's and that she was not married to my father who was in America. They questioned her for several days tearing the lining out her coat and other things. While she was gone, the Mormon Missionaries, Elder Karl Gertsch and Elder Jason Nordgren would walk by my mother and take us children by the hand and whistle the song "Do What Is Right". They would watch for my mother when she would start to return to my grandparents and then they would walk by her and they would whistle the song again and they would give us children back to her. They could not talked to her as the Missionaries through out Germany were being watched. They also used their ration stamps to feed us children.

It is getting late and I am a little tired to I will finish this hopefully tomorrow.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Cindy called me this morning and read me the story about Uncle Horst and Tanta Helga about being in Germany during the 2nd World War. I started telling her about when I was a little girl and that I was in Germany when the war was just starting and she told me that I need to write about that time in my life. I will continue this story a little later on in the day.

Hi I'm Starting My Blog

Good morning everyone. Cindy is on the phone with me getting me started on my blog. Wish me luck that I will be able to start keeping a journal.