Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Canning Season

The time has arrived to can fruits and make Taco Sauce. Dad I made Taco Sauce a couple of weeks ago and this week we are doing peaches and pears. Made 15 peach pies which are so easy. Just take a short time to put it all together, mad 7 pints of peach jam and 14 quarts of peaches. Tomorrow we will do the pears as I was just to tired when I came home from hand therapy. Had to wear the Cortison patches for 4 hours today. Daddy has been a real trouper as he has sliced every peach and took the jars, washed them I filled them etc. and he put them in the canner and took them out, and lined all the pie pans with foil and saran wrap etc. I never had so much help and it went really fast.

Tomorrow afternoon, Thursday and Friday I will need to go to Sonus to get updated on their new computer program before I work for the next 2 weeks for them. It will nice to see all the old patients from the Osborn office again.

Have a good evening everyone.